Mocking the forum complaints

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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by honey » 4 years ago

Thank you Nikki, you'll be okay. There are a lot of great
posters on this forum, and if you were never aware of it
before, I am glad to know that you may check in often
enough to see how well that you and Adi are liked and
just where our dislikes are directed. It's mostly SLC's
changes, not exactly for the best, and their focus on
quantity, not quality. XO Good Job! :)
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by CC » 4 years ago

As I have previously stated on this forum, I personally never had a problem with either you or Adi before this. I appreciate you felt the need to further respond and explain again and putting what I consider your heart and soul in your reponse and I thank you for it. .. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all at Shoplc.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by Teachergirl » 4 years ago

I think instead of apologies, SLC needs to retrain some of their hosts. They need to have standards that are adhered to. It should not be a free for all
Where each host does as they please. It's no wonder see that some of the hosts are no longer working at other networks. Some, however, were well trained.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by Spooky » 4 years ago

NikkiStanzione wrote:
4 years ago
Hi Everyone...this is Nikki Stanzione and I feel compelled to react to this unexpected conversation about Adi and me that has apparently, and very unintentionally, offended and upset so many people...people who inspire me to do my job to the best of my ability everyday and people whose opinions and feelings I care about. This entire thread is extremely upsetting to me, even the comments posted after our initial apology, as my daily intention on air, now and since beginning my career in television over 20yrs ago, has always been to respect and relate to my viewers, as well as to inform, educate, entertain and share opportunities while bringing a smile to their faces. And most of all, I've always made it my priority to be authentic, genuine, real, and honest in my presentations, while making sure the viewer feels heard and understood with compassion, care and empathy. The only person I’ve ever made fun of or mocked on air is myself and somehow a very spontaneous joke on ourselves turned into a huge discussion that I believe was unfortunately misinterpreted based on what our intention was, and has escalated into something it was never meant to be.

Firstly, please let me make it clear that I’m deeply sorry to anyone who Adi and I offended, as that is not at ALL what we intended or thought we were doing. Based on the majority of comments, I find it most necessary to point out that I literally only just found out there was even a customer comment forum on our website when notified THIS WEEK about this particular thread. I didn’t even know this forum existed and the only comments I’ve ever reacted or responded to on air, are based on the live texts on set that we receive while doing a show or on my public FB host page (and more often than not they are very kind and positive). Because I didn’t know this forum was in existence, I was therefore not addressing any comments from here with anything I said in our show, despite the conclusion that seems to have been drawn by so many on this thread:( I’m completely shocked by the entire conversation simply because it began with us making fun of OURSELVES on air for being silly that night and trying to be extra entertaining but realizing, with self deprecating humor, that our comedy was actually pretty bad and so we laughed at ourselves. We mentioned that we realize we have a little extra energy at times, but want to make people laugh and have fun while shopping instead of taking ourselves too seriously. We both expressed that we thought it was probably better to be a bit overexcited and energetic doing what we do, rather than to be too quiet or present items without excitement or energy. It had NOTHING to do with mocking or invalidating any comments you’ve made or sarcastically making any points to negate your opinions. We simply decided in the moment to pretend for a minute in an “acting skit” that we were serious and quiet host types, to see how it would feel for us and the viewers and ironically, we joked around wrapping it up by saying we had more phone calls coming through with orders when we stopped maybe we should be quiet more often. Lol. The entire unplanned moment was all about making fun of US-not to hurt the viewers in any way. That is not who either of us are, personally or professionally, and I’m devastated to think it could be interpreted any other way.

I have never been a host who yells or screams or who talks AT my audience, and can certainly understand why that would offend some people (to validate the point many of you have made), however I do have a lot of energy, passion and excitement for what I do. I also have a great deal of pride and integrity regarding this job and the mission of our company. I care for and respect the people I work with and for and genuinely appreciate and care deeply about my customers&viewers...your lives, opinions and feelings. I’m so sorry to to see that you think I was being sarcastic (which if you’ve ever watched my shows you know is not my personality at all- I just tell it like it is) or disrespecting or invalidating any of your comments (comments I didn’t even know existed), as my only goal every day is to deliver joy to every one of you.

Once again I apologize for offending anyone and hope you know how much Adi and I respect your feedback. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long comment...I just felt it necessary to clear this up before it went any further or any of you thought, for even one more single second, that Adi or I are/were anything other than sincere in our explanations and genuine apologies. When things get misinterpreted or escalate from one comment after another compounding the interpretation of the next, it ultimately can lead to negativity and misplaced this case, towards two people who truly only wanted to make you laugh by making fun of themselves. Therefore, I feel I have no other option than to provide you with another more personal honest explanation.

On this Thanksgiving, and for Christmas Day as well, I will be here to work and deliver joy to all of you...which brings me joy. I’ll be missing my family back home a great deal, but I love my job and am committed to sharing our amazing deals with my Shop LC family. Therefore, to read so many comments here stating you don’t believe us when we say Shop LC is like family, I hope you will reconsider. I too believe we should prove it with actions not just words, and I truly hope those actions do in fact say it clearly. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and I wish many blessings to you and your loved ones. 🙏
How can you work here and not know that there
is a forum on your company’s website? Seriously???
How can you think making fun of your customers
is funny? This wasn’t misinterpreted. Customers
are angry and their issues with your company were
only compounded by your behavior. The anger was
and is not misplaced. The fact that it took you days
to respond speaks loudly and frankly, you should both
have apologized on air to us the customer! More importantly your president amit should have addressed
the community - forum and nationwide- immediately.
You make it sound like you’re working the holidays
for us because you care. We all have had to work holidays because it’s our job.
Thanks for trying an apology, it was better than adi’s
Last edited by Spooky 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by 2Blonde » 4 years ago

Nikki, as a fellow Sagitarian, I've learned over the years (I'm much older than you are), that I haven't always seen myself the same way that others do. You'll be OK because you'll learn from this experience as I have from mine. Some posters on this board can be very sensitive and sometimes rude, but this happens on all public forums. You, my dear girl, have a good heart and that does come through.

I myself have recently become somewhat disillusioned with SLC because of the screaming, and for no other major reason. My mother used to yell at me like that. I like to see the hosts having fun, but in a civilized way, please. I used to have this channel on almost all the time I'm home, but recently I've started watching some of the other shopping channels again. It's not all because of the screaming, but taking 20 minutes to get to the price, and spending 24 hours selling only one gemstone is another reason. I already have more jewelry than any jewelry store, so I enjoy seeing more creative designs using more than just one color of stone.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

2Blonde wrote:
4 years ago
Nikki, as a fellow Sagitarian, I've learned over the years (I'm much older than you are), that I haven't always seen myself the same way that others do. You'll be OK because you'll learn from this experience as I have from mine. Some posters on this board can be very sensitive and sometimes rude, but this happens on all public forums. You, my dear girl, have a good heart and that does come through.

I myself have recently become somewhat disillusioned with SLC because of the screaming, and for no other major reason. My mother used to yell at me like that. I like to see the hosts having fun, but in a civilized way, please. I used to have this channel on almost all the time I'm home, but recently I've started watching some of the other shopping channels again. It's not all because of the screaming, but taking 20 minutes to get to the price, and spending 24 hours selling only one gemstone is another reason. I already have more jewelry than any jewelry store, so I enjoy seeing more creative designs using more than just one color of stone.

Thanks for reading!
2Blonde, being a Sagitarius also, I agree w/everything you said. I feel compelled to add (as I have in previous posts) the presentations are not informative enough on-air (most of the time) to make an informed decision on possible purchases. I need to see measurements & full tour of each & every jewelry item, not just putting it on & modeling what everyone will see when I'm wearing. Also, the website needs much improvement for same information (as I have also previously posted).

Nikki, quite possibly someone from the forum or a customer who feels the way we do, sent a msg during that show which initiated your on-air reaction. I appreciate your apology & hope it was sincere. Being in so many homes just happens to put you & SLC as a whole under more scrutiny than most of us have to deal with.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by RoxiJade » 4 years ago

2Blonde wrote:
4 years ago
" I used to have this channel on almost all the time I'm home, but recently I've started watching some of the other shopping channels again. It's not all because of the screaming, but taking 20 minutes to get to the price, and spending 24 hours selling only one gemstone is another reason."

Very well said, 2Blonde. I want to add that I have also been hearing "half-truths", exaggerations, stunts, and high-pressure tactics much more that I used to. Not by every host, but by many. That is a very big deal breaker for me. When I hear, " Can we come and talk to everybody" I know the camera is not going to be on the product, but on the host who then tries to talk me into buying. Just show the product, for Pete's sake! We can STILL hear you! And I hate to hear "I'm not trying to be pushy, but I'm going to push you a little bit here", usually followed up with shouting. When I that happens, I turn it off.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by gg » 4 years ago

I also sent them a comment regarding yelling, Adie and Cheryl are both guilty of this and, honestly, it is very stressful listening to them holler and scream and does NOT make for a happy shopping experience. They should listen to constructive criticism or maybe listen to other shopping channels which are pleasant to listen to.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by gg » 4 years ago

True, it is not the products that turn me off but their tactics. Again, they all ought to look at how other shopping channels operate......more professional for sure.
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Re: Mocking the forum complaints

Post by Margui » 4 years ago

NikkiStanzione wrote:
4 years ago
Hi Everyone...this is Nikki Stanzione and I feel compelled to react to this unexpected conversation about Adi and me that has apparently, and very unintentionally, offended and upset so many people...people who inspire me to do my job to the best of my ability everyday and people whose opinions and feelings I care about. This entire thread is extremely upsetting to me, even the comments posted after our initial apology, as my daily intention on air, now and since beginning my career in television over 20yrs ago, has always been to respect and relate to my viewers, as well as to inform, educate, entertain and share opportunities while bringing a smile to their faces. And most of all, I've always made it my priority to be authentic, genuine, real, and honest in my presentations, while making sure the viewer feels heard and understood with compassion, care and empathy. The only person I’ve ever made fun of or mocked on air is myself and somehow a very spontaneous joke on ourselves turned into a huge discussion that I believe was unfortunately misinterpreted based on what our intention was, and has escalated into something it was never meant to be.

Firstly, please let me make it clear that I’m deeply sorry to anyone who Adi and I offended, as that is not at ALL what we intended or thought we were doing. Based on the majority of comments, I find it most necessary to point out that I literally only just found out there was even a customer comment forum on our website when notified THIS WEEK about this particular thread. I didn’t even know this forum existed and the only comments I’ve ever reacted or responded to on air, are based on the live texts on set that we receive while doing a show or on my public FB host page (and more often than not they are very kind and positive). Because I didn’t know this forum was in existence, I was therefore not addressing any comments from here with anything I said in our show, despite the conclusion that seems to have been drawn by so many on this thread:( I’m completely shocked by the entire conversation simply because it began with us making fun of OURSELVES on air for being silly that night and trying to be extra entertaining but realizing, with self deprecating humor, that our comedy was actually pretty bad and so we laughed at ourselves. We mentioned that we realize we have a little extra energy at times, but want to make people laugh and have fun while shopping instead of taking ourselves too seriously. We both expressed that we thought it was probably better to be a bit overexcited and energetic doing what we do, rather than to be too quiet or present items without excitement or energy. It had NOTHING to do with mocking or invalidating any comments you’ve made or sarcastically making any points to negate your opinions. We simply decided in the moment to pretend for a minute in an “acting skit” that we were serious and quiet host types, to see how it would feel for us and the viewers and ironically, we joked around wrapping it up by saying we had more phone calls coming through with orders when we stopped maybe we should be quiet more often. Lol. The entire unplanned moment was all about making fun of US-not to hurt the viewers in any way. That is not who either of us are, personally or professionally, and I’m devastated to think it could be interpreted any other way.

I have never been a host who yells or screams or who talks AT my audience, and can certainly understand why that would offend some people (to validate the point many of you have made), however I do have a lot of energy, passion and excitement for what I do. I also have a great deal of pride and integrity regarding this job and the mission of our company. I care for and respect the people I work with and for and genuinely appreciate and care deeply about my customers&viewers...your lives, opinions and feelings. I’m so sorry to to see that you think I was being sarcastic (which if you’ve ever watched my shows you know is not my personality at all- I just tell it like it is) or disrespecting or invalidating any of your comments (comments I didn’t even know existed), as my only goal every day is to deliver joy to every one of you.

Once again I apologize for offending anyone and hope you know how much Adi and I respect your feedback. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long comment...I just felt it necessary to clear this up before it went any further or any of you thought, for even one more single second, that Adi or I are/were anything other than sincere in our explanations and genuine apologies. When things get misinterpreted or escalate from one comment after another compounding the interpretation of the next, it ultimately can lead to negativity and misplaced this case, towards two people who truly only wanted to make you laugh by making fun of themselves. Therefore, I feel I have no other option than to provide you with another more personal honest explanation.

On this Thanksgiving, and for Christmas Day as well, I will be here to work and deliver joy to all of you...which brings me joy. I’ll be missing my family back home a great deal, but I love my job and am committed to sharing our amazing deals with my Shop LC family. Therefore, to read so many comments here stating you don’t believe us when we say Shop LC is like family, I hope you will reconsider. I too believe we should prove it with actions not just words, and I truly hope those actions do in fact say it clearly. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and I wish many blessings to you and your loved ones. 🙏
Thank you, Nikki for writing. Apologies accepted. No grudges. Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃
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