Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

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Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

I don't want to sound judgmental but what is this gal doing with Becky Booker right now!!
Is this for real? is she a new Host?
I was trying to figure this out and I did hear Becky say she was some kind of social media star from the Bay area here in California, go figure

Is ShopLC going to start using "influenzers" now?
Her lips are so puffed up she looks uncomfortable!
She has the look of Morticia and Megan Markle blended together
I am not perfect but I am surprised by this gal?
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I'm not sure if it's the same girl or not, but a week or 3 ago I saw they had a girl on with them (from satellite broadcast) who was a claimed "influencer".

I looked her up, and she wasn't what I would call an influencer. An Influencer is someone, who, over the course of time and many well-crafted posts, becomes a favorite for people to check-in with, and builds a following of MANY strangers who they have never met. Each platform has somewhat of a set standard for number followings, I think Facebook is at least 5,000, Instagram might be 10K. YouTube 1,000 gets you monetized (make money from ads) but not really an influencer unless you have 5-10K.

Anyway, this girl didn't have anywhere near that many (unless between then and now she's racked some up from TV). Additionally, she was VERY uncomfortable on camera, and admitted it. Any influencer is going to have plenty of camera experience. Even Instagram you are pretty much expected to participate in posting videos.

My honest thoughts were she was related to someone at SLC and wanted to BECOME an influencer and they were trying to help her along.

If you get their monthly booklets in the mail, they do include a few influencers at the bottom, but again, no one really big.

At the same time, it's aTOUGH world out there to even GET an influencer. If their offering (payment) was marginal, most won't even respond. At the moment I am getting 3-4 a day, but unless it's something I really want or need, I won't consider anything worth less than $500, but this year most things are running in the $1,000+ range.

But it's worth it. I tried to talk a few of my larger sub collegues into presenting my puppies I had for sale. I offered them sales commission or a free puppy (worth $5,000). They were too busy to even consider it.
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hi FarmMom.....

Wow you really have the info on what an "influencer" is and thank you for letting me know the correct spelling :)
I don't follow anyone on the internet in regards to Twitter etc. but I have seen a few stories on what those people do and it seems like a 24 hour job
Being a Dinosaur I don't do Twitter or Instagram

Last night Becky named her title so to speak and it was a word that I have never even heard of much less being able to spell it.....she did mention that this gal had something to do with cooking
What struck me was her behavior as well, she was all over the place in strange ways
I remember when Michele first started but with her I could see the knowledge she had....MICHELE IS MY FAVORITE

Thank you for sharing what an "influencer" is all about
Your puppies must be darling, what kind are they? I can't afford to buy a dog but I love puppies :)
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Re: Holy Moly!! Is LC DESPERATE, Where's CHRIS....

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

I agree, Ali was not comfortable in front of the camera, as if it was very new to her. She Just just repeated Becky constantly (like Kim still does) and saying I love this and I want this and nervous laughter. If she has the history as stated, she should not be so bad on camera.

Her linkedin profile says HOST, PRODUCT ENTREPENUR, COOKBOOK AUTHOR. You would never know it. Maybe they should give her more OFF AIR training or watch Becky for a while before putting back on air live. If anyone can make her a decent host it is Becky. I wonder is she has any knowledge of jewelry or gemstones except from maybe being a LC customer. It is obvious she doesn't have any knowledge of lifestyle items. She didn't know how to present wallets or handbags. Becky had to jump in. Not all new hosts end up staying, Time will tell.

Where is CHRIS? Please tell me Ali did not take his time slot. I will admit, I changed the channel to the news. I can't watch the kindergarten classroom for hosts with NO experience. I will watch for CHRIS & HEALTHER though .I appreciate that LC is aware they need more hosts. They need to train the new hosts off air until they are ready before putting us through the Kindergarten classroom on air on night shows. We shouldn't have to watch a lower quality show because its early morning.
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

OMG Lacy!!

You are so right on and your Kindergarten classroom description is perfect LOL
I usually can watch till at least 3:00 a.m. my time PT and when this gal showed up I was saying to myself "what in the h....?
She looked so dumb when the price arrows showed up, going all the way down past the desktop to simulate the prices going down!!
I have never seen someone act so childish when they are so new!!

Like I told FarmMom, I have no idea about what "influencers" do and how they achieve their status but even if I was into cooking she would be the last person to watch
She was trying to look cute by pursing her puffed up lips and staring into the camera like she was Paris Hilton, too funny!

As for Chris I think we are okay with him, I think he could be just on a small vacation because he has been working so much!!
When Heather and him work together they are such a great team!
She doesn't repeat herself with all the clinches that Hunter brought in with him like a couple of female host have done
Sadly Becky kept saying "friends" constantly last night
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Mae, good to see you back on forum.
Did you see her hip check Becky after her arrow dive. She almost knocked Becky down. So bad.
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by Lanai » 1 year ago

Didn't watch but sounds interesting. Lol. Love Heather, she's always so pleasant with a good sence of humor and learns fast, can work well with anyone including Tony or Chuck and doesn't seem intimidated but just keeps on doing her thing. Really like Chris as well, seems like a nice guy, certainly is on the eyes. Seems like he mentioned a couple weeks ago an upcoming trip to Italy for a family member's marriage.
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by Tina » 1 year ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
1 year ago
I don't want to sound judgmental but what is this gal doing with Becky Booker right now!!
Is this for real? is she a new Host?
I was trying to figure this out and I did hear Becky say she was some kind of social media star from the Bay area here in California, go figure

Is ShopLC going to start using "influenzers" now?
Her lips are so puffed up she looks uncomfortable!
She has the look of Morticia and Megan Markle blended together
I am not perfect but I am surprised by this gal?
Oh my goodness!!! I saw this in the middle of the night and it was frightening!!! I don't know who she was/is but I truly hope that she doesn't return. That was painful to watch. I'll leave it there. The only other 'thing' (well there's one other thing) that irks me about the hosts is Dan Dennis. Why in the world does he keep interrupting the hosts? I have to mute him because he causes me to use colorful language! I love Jessica and when they're together, he's mumbling and talking over her. Just so frustrating.
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by BostonIrish » 1 year ago

MAEWest Hi Lady good to see you I saw the host with Becky and I am not sure if She is a She I have 3 Granddaughters who will be very tall because my Husband is 6 foot 6 so they are both 13 years old and taller than me. I am 5/2. My poor Grandson might be a shorty .🤔 Have a great day.😊
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Re: Holy Moly!! what in the heck is Becky doing hosting with that Allie?

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
1 year ago
Hi FarmMom.....

Wow you really have the info on what an "influencer" is and thank you for letting me know the correct spelling :)
I don't follow anyone on the internet in regards to Twitter etc. but I have seen a few stories on what those people do and it seems like a 24 hour job
Being a Dinosaur I don't do Twitter or Instagram

Last night Becky named her title so to speak and it was a word that I have never even heard of much less being able to spell it.....she did mention that this gal had something to do with cooking
What struck me was her behavior as well, she was all over the place in strange ways
I remember when Michele first started but with her I could see the knowledge she had....MICHELE IS MY FAVORITE

Thank you for sharing what an "influencer" is all about
Your puppies must be darling, what kind are they? I can't afford to buy a dog but I love puppies :)
Yes, it certainly is a 24hr job, and I definitely would be doing better if I put in the time and energy. Most of my friends do it full time, but they also usually have their family involved too for help with either camera work, editing or whatnot. I'm kinda stuck doing it all myself and even part-time it's a lot of time, lol. And honestly, my youngest is 10, and I'd rather spend time with him raising him to be a sensible, kind adult then do social media full time. It's a tough balance, and definitely a different game with the younger crowd.

My genre of influencers is much more down to earth and not so "dumb", but it IS slowly overtaking it a bit, and I cringe when I see otherwise normal adults dancing around for the camera.

Most of it is so cringey I can't even open Instagram without puking a bit, lol. I prefer YouTube learning videos ;D

I guess I'm glad I didn't watch the broadcast . . . my husband discovered our LG TV gets horror channels that play old movies all day . . so that's what's been on in the morning lately . . . I guess not too much different than a SLC broadcast, hahaha!

And the puppies are called Frenchtons . . . mostly Frenchie with a bit of Boston terrier, best breed ever! Great for farm or small house, great with kids, pets and energetic enough to play all day but not obnoxiously so.
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