Huh . . .

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Huh . . .

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago


if you disagree with my posts about gemstone information, I would HAPPILY post references to save you the TROUBLE of researching this yourself, but alas you won't allow posting of links.

Most likely it hit home as being TRUTH, and you don't want the actual truth about gemstones. That's fine. Then STOP trying to educate us. It's YOUR FAULT after all that I research so much.

YUP, I am BLAMING YOU. Since your hosts yammer on and on about various facts, it causes some of us to look up what you say, which leads to more questions and more knowledge. not all of us are mindless zombies, some of us have a health taste for knowledge.

By the way, I saved the post before you deleted it.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Howdy FarmMom....

I am curious why the "powers that be" would remove your super and informative post
It was full of great information and I have asked lately about the quality of Bali and other products that ShopLC sell and I was able to receive some good reviews from all of you!!
So what gives with your post being taken down.....geez

Of course I had mine removed also about the Diva who is apparently reading the
Making snide remarks while selling an item is obviously going to be ok but when a customer calls it out then that is a "No-No"
I am so glad that I don't have to be around such negative people like that in my life :)
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

They are probably upset that the camera angles only on their hands to show the items, mostly except for showing earrings and necklaces. And not on them all the time.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

Be careful everyone. They have permanently banned people from the forum for much less than what I am reading here (and what I can tell has been removed).

The powers that be have many rules here that seem to benefit them but not the members. And the person they cry to about what is posted here is, ironically, the person who is in charge of customer service.

This forum used to be fun. It used to be a place full of sharing, shopping, enjoyment and friendships.
It used to be.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Hi Greeneyesbluesigns.......

I agree that they can ban us and that is why I am not using any names anymore
We should be able to share our thoughts about what we have to put up with while watching a presentation
That is why I hardly stay a full hour on certain shows because what is the use?
We customers are being robbed of information about products, and it's only several Hosts that feel that Reindeer games is better than trying to represent ShopLC

All of us here have full lives....we don't have to be here to enjoy those lives
I remember a year and a half ago when many of us couldn't get on this forum for months
My life continued and one day I decided to try again to see if could sign in and viola!
And yet I didn't come here for months after that because I am so busy

We all enjoy our conversations here with each other and as you use to be fun
If they do remove some of us I will miss it temporarily but my life goes on and oh what a blessed life it is :)
Take care and thanks for the reminder of what was in the past ;)
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Welcome back Greeneyes! How was your vacation? Our weather here is about a month ahead of itself and the crops are having a fit about it. It's crazy hot during the day, but still low 50's at night :P

Everyone else:
I feel like a healthy discussion was in order, if they found my information to be incorrect, state the reasons why.

I even had an argument with my husband over it. He too insisted it was the neon blue color, and no other colors could be listed as such. His information was based off a few stones he had seen, and not actual research. But it shows you how stubborn people can be when their original idea is presented as false.

Of course there, it didn't matter what he thought. He could have thought they were pink, and that would be his idea. No use arguing. But when information is presented as fact to the general public, with the intent to sell, that's when it matters.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
1 year ago
Hi Greeneyesbluesigns.......

I agree that they can ban us and that is why I am not using any names anymore
We should be able to share our thoughts about what we have to put up with while watching a presentation
That is why I hardly stay a full hour on certain shows because what is the use?
We customers are being robbed of information about products, and it's only several Hosts that feel that Reindeer games is better than trying to represent ShopLC

All of us here have full lives....we don't have to be here to enjoy those lives
I remember a year and a half ago when many of us couldn't get on this forum for months
My life continued and one day I decided to try again to see if could sign in and viola!
And yet I didn't come here for months after that because I am so busy

We all enjoy our conversations here with each other and as you use to be fun
If they do remove some of us I will miss it temporarily but my life goes on and oh what a blessed life it is :)
Take care and thanks for the reminder of what was in the past ;)
Hi Mae!

I never meant to imply that folks on her didn’t have full lives. But by the sheer fact they are here and participating I am assuming they wish to continue. I understand the need to monitor but things can (and have) gone too far from both sides in the past. There were some Wild West days here for sure.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by Greeneyesbluesighs » 1 year ago

FarmMom wrote:
1 year ago
Welcome back Greeneyes! How was your vacation? Our weather here is about a month ahead of itself and the crops are having a fit about it. It's crazy hot during the day, but still low 50's at night :P

Everyone else:
I feel like a healthy discussion was in order, if they found my information to be incorrect, state the reasons why.

I even had an argument with my husband over it. He too insisted it was the neon blue color, and no other colors could be listed as such. His information was based off a few stones he had seen, and not actual research. But it shows you how stubborn people can be when their original idea is presented as false.

Of course there, it didn't matter what he thought. He could have thought they were pink, and that would be his idea. No use arguing. But when information is presented as fact to the general public, with the intent to sell, that's when it matters.
It was so much fun but exhausting! Now it’s life back to normal. I envy you being able to grow things, anything! I can’t grow anything.
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well I seem to only be able to grow a FEW things! Flowers and veggies are NOT one of them! Veggies I always run out of time to try to get anything going. I wanted to do raised garden beds this year, but no time to build something.

Hay grows itself pretty well, so all I have to do it attempt to cut it, haha. We are fortunate our ground is well suited for hay. Despite our extreme drought this year the grass has flourished.

Why do vacations have to be exhausting? lol! We may look at doing some gold hunting here in MI over the summer . . . my husband loves watching Gold shows on TV and he ran into a guy online selling a sluice system. In my mind it doesn't seem hardly worth the time, but I'm sure my son might get excited.

What did you guys do for vacation?
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Re: Huh . . .

Post by Druid » 1 year ago

@FarmMom I highly value your so informative posts, and find absolutely unacceptable that this company delete them. You basically do their job or what they are supposed to do by giving the customers accurate and truthful information about their items. If they delete your posts is a good proof of their being uncomfortable with truthful knowledge about their stones and simply afraid of the disclosure. They could be sued for selling fakes.
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